No Answer: n=526
37.6% of respondents said they do not make enough to save for the future. Additionally, 21.8% said they do not make enough to cover their family’s needs, and 21.9% said they need to work more than one job to meet their basic needs.
No Answer: n=526
In interviews and focus groups, participants questioned whether the National Bio and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF) will be a boon to economic and community development or will tax the current infrastructure.
No Answer: n=585
No Answer: n=521
Participants of interviews and focus groups had concerns about decreased enrollment at K-State impacting the local economy as well as high rents and the influx of “big box” stores contributing to the loss of small businesses.
Note: Neighborhood data cannot be presented for the East and West Campus neighborhoods due to the low rate of response.